
Are you sleeping brother john in french song
Are you sleeping brother john in french song

are you sleeping brother john in french song

You've probably never had appendicitis but I'll bet you've had a cold. Everytime you hear the French words, la tête, point to your head, when you hear, les yeux, point to your eyes, when you hear, le bec, point to your nose, when you hear, la bouche, point to your mouth.ĭo you remember in the story, Madeline went to the hospital? She had appendicitis. The name of this song is Alouette and alouette means a lark. You'll probably need a ladder to get down. The French word for elephant is "elephant."Īll right! You can climb down from the elephants now. Here's a song that says, if you climbed up on an elephant, you would be so high up, it would be really scary.

are you sleeping brother john in french song

But she might be afraid to climb up on an elephant and take a ride on one. Do you think she would have been afraid of an elephant? I don't think so. She wasn't even afraid of the tiger at the zoo. In the story, it said that Madeline was not afraid of mice. Are you afraid of animals? Madeline's not. I hear the cat who sang "Miaule." That rat must have been really afraid of the cat. The words said there's a rat in the barn. What animal was that song about? It was about a cat. Listen to this song and see if you can guess what animal it's about. Good! There's another animal that sounds a little different in French. Now sing along when we say "Couin! Couin! Couin!" In our country, a duck says "Quack! Quack!" Can you say that? Right! But in France, the ducks say "Couin! Couin!" Can you say that? Good! Listen to this song about some French ducks. Can you guess what it is? Listen carefully.ĭid you recognize the call of the cuckoo? The cuckoo sounds the same in both French and English but some animals sound different. The French word for owl is "hibou." You can't hear the owl in this song but you can hear another bird. If Madeline and her friends were walking through the woods in France, they might hear an owl. Now lets sing Twinkle, twinkle little star in English. The French word for candy is "bonbons." See if you can hear the word, "bonbons."ĭid you notice something strange about that song? Right! The words were in French but the tune was the same one we use when we sing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star." Pretend you're walking in the woods at night and you look up and you see a star twinkling in the sky. Her daddy wants her to act like a grown up but she says she's just a kid and she would rather sit around and eat candy. Here's one about a little girl who is really upset. Some of them sound like the songs we sing. Now let's sing it in English.Īll the bells are ringing! All the bells are ringing! If you have ever sung this song, then you can speak French. When they want to say hello, they say "Bonjour." When they want to say goodbye, they say, "Au revoir." Do you know any French words? I'll bet you do. The people in France don't speak English like we do. Paris is a city in a faraway country called France. In the story, Madeline and her friends live with their teacher, Miss Clavel in an old house in Paris.

Are you sleeping brother john in french song